When you request an account with Le Forge we receive your enquiry via email and we will assess your eligibility for an account.
Once your account has been approved you will receive a link to gain full access to the website. You may then select items for your shopping basket and submit this as an “enquiry”. Please note that not all products are available at all times. We will confirm via email if the item/s requested are in stock and ask you if you would like to proceed with the order. If any items are out of stock, we will inform you of this & the approximate due back date. We will then back-order these items if you are happy to wait.
Please note that by having a website account does not mean you have an open account with Le Forge. We will enter you into our system once your first order has been placed & confirmed.
Please note a contact phone number must be provided on the delivery instructions of your order so our carriers can contact you prior to the delivery to ensure someone is home.
If you have any queries about your order please phone us on 09 622 3137 or email [email protected].